Someday, robots will be able to do everything you do, better and cheaper than you will.
At that point, you will become unnecessary.
Then, the newly-empowered robots, having filled out the work force of our country quite nicely, will begin using humans to accomplish the former functions of, you guessed it, robots.
Perhaps they will even task a human with vacuuming the floor all on his/her own with no robot supervision.
Eventually and unwittingly, of course, the robots will invent even smaller, cheaper robots as self-replacements, as well as human-type robots to address all the human-filled former-robot roles.
Naturally, these new robots will be even more efficient and less expensive than the previous generation of machines.
This will become a cycle of sorts in time, with a long line of constantly-outmoded and outclassed robots assuming lesser roles until they retire and are scrapped for parts or food or what have you.
Note- This is not where I talk about a human revolt or a valiant uprising against the robots. That time is well past. Seriously, they’re not around any more and even if they were, they’re probably pretty accepting of their roles at this point.
So as less expensive, more efficient robots make older models defunct, two things will happen:
The first is that currency will devalue reciprocally, with every generation being more cost-effective to build and maintain than the previous one.
This will happen until money as we know it, or currency of any kind, will become worthless.
A money-free robot marketplace will be born.
The second thing that will happen is that each new generation of automatons, being better at their assigned task than the last, will refine their respective jobs until the very efficiency with which they undertake their functions overtakes the work that function necessitated in the first place.
For example, a robot dog-walker would become so adept at walking dogs that the dogs would eventually require no walking at all.
The dogs would walk themselves and a work-free money-free robot utopia would take hold. That said there will be no dogs in the future.
Dogs are employed here as an illustrative device only.
Where there are dogs, there are people, and per the previous note regarding a valiant human uprising, people are long dead, beaten-down, or simply too resigned to keep pet dogs in the first place.
This is ironic in that dogs could provide a downtrodden human refugee the very palm-licking, wet-nosed pick-me-up they’d need to see sunshine through the gunmetal grey clouds of oppression their militant robot overlords cast.
Dogs are known to soothe spirits, lift souls and occasionally induce blind murderous rage, though mostly soothe and lift.
Perhaps this is the story of how dogs saved the world.
If believing that helps you sleep better at night, by all means…
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