Tired of reaching in the fridge only to emerge with a fistful of mangled meatstuffs? When all you really want is the mortadella, does it seem like you’re too often grabbing the calfloaf?
Why waste your valuable eating time looking for the meat you so desperately, cravenly lust for?
Now there is a solution! EZMEAT®!
Now you can mollify that pesky anal-retentive need to obsessively alphabetize your meat AND satisfy your “meat tooth” with one convenient filing system!
From “A” for “American Bologna Sausage” to “Z” for “Zebrawurst”, all your lunchmeat is only a few finger flicks away. Simply let your digits dance across the tabs, find the desired letter, open the plastic sleeve therein, remove the opaque gelatinous protective wrap, slide out the desired slice and it’s BON APPETIT!
Take EZMEAT® in the car. The boat. To the pool...It even fits in your purse!
You’ll never need another user-friendly meat filing, storage and access system again!
Available in Taupe, Arts & Crafts and Sea Litter designs.